Thursday, 15 October 2009

Knitting and stitch show 2009

So I am just home from the madness that was the knitting and stitch show in Alexandra's Palace London. Firstly, Alexandra's actually, a palace!!! Amazing building! Secondly, my God!!! The ammount of people that attended the show over the four days was just colossal. It was great to talk to such a variety of people, from the very young to the very old! Got some really interesting ideas and great feedback from everyone so it was a very positive experience altogether! The show stops off in the RDS Dublin next, I would advise anyone and everyone to go, it's definately worth a look.
Anyway, here are some of my new stitched girls...
and here are some of the seriously cool faces in the crowd!...



  1. Love your work Lisa and loved seeing it at Ally Pally.

  2. thank you Gina :) the website will be up and running soon so watch this space!

  3. Hi Lisa!
    It was lovely to meet you at the show and I wish you so much luck, you have an amazing talent and I'm so glad to be able to follow all your success via blogland!
    Can't wait to see the website.
    Sarah x

  4. Hi Lisa

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I loved the show and your work was really lovely. I am glad you enjoyed it and I hope you will carry on doing well with your work. So many exciting possiblilities in the creative world.
